How to Overcome Overwhelm: Take a Page from a Drone’s Book!

by Paul Devlin


Feeling overwhelmed at work is never a pleasant experience. It can leave you feeling stressed, anxious, and even lead to poor decision making. But what if there was a simple solution to help ease those feelings of overwhelm? What if you could take a step back and gain a new perspective on your situation? This is where taking a page from a drone’s book could come in handy.

Drones are equipped with cameras that allow them to take aerial photographs. This gives them a unique viewpoint that allows them to see the big picture, quite literally. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, consider taking a step back and gaining a new perspective on your situations. Whether you’re a business owner or work in HR, taking a moment to look at the bigger picture can help you regain focus and clarity.

Just like a drone, taking the time to gain a bird’s eye view of your situation can help you identify any key areas that need attention. For example, if you have a large project at work that seems overwhelming, take a moment to look at it from a new angle. Maybe there are smaller tasks within the project that can be delegated to others or perhaps there are areas that need more attention than others. By gaining a new perspective, you can break down the larger task into manageable pieces.

In addition to helping you break down large projects, taking a bird’s eye view can help you identify areas of your life that need attention. Maybe you’ve been so focused on work that you haven’t been able to give your personal life the attention it deserves. Taking a step back can help you see where you need to shift your focus and prioritize your time better. It can be challenging to balance work and personal life, but by taking a moment to gain a new perspective, you might just find the balance you’ve been seeking.

Another way to gain clarity when feeling overwhelmed is to step away from the situation entirely. This doesn’t mean you have to abandon your responsibilities; it just means taking a break to recharge and refocus. Just like a drone needs to recharge its batteries between flights, taking a break can help you regain your energy and focus. Maybe it means taking a walk outside, reading a book or simply taking a few deep breaths. Whatever works for you, taking a break can help you come back to the situation with a fresh perspective.

Lastly, remember that feeling overwhelmed is a common experience. We all face times where tasks seem insurmountable, and the weight of responsibility can feel like too much to bear. When this happens, try to remember that you’re not alone. Just like a drone needs a team to manage it and keep it in the air, we all need support to navigate through tough situations. Whether it’s reaching out to coworkers or seeking support from friends and family, remember that taking care of yourself is crucial in overcoming feelings of overwhelm.

When it feels like you can’t see the wood from the trees, take a page from a Drone’s playbook. By taking a step back, you can gain a new perspective on your situation and find ways to break down tasks into manageable pieces. Remember to take breaks when needed and seek support when necessary. With these tools and a little bit of aerial insight, you can overcome feelings of overwhelm and take on any challenge that comes your way.

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