Do I Need to Be Trained On The Software When I Outsource my Payroll?

by Paul Devlin

Photo of Brian Goes here


The beauty of outsourcing your payroll is you can decide how much, or how little, control you have. Some clients like to do it all, and some like to be hands-off. Many payroll companies may charge you for inputting data, but some will happily do it for you as part of the service (including APlus).

Initial training will always come with any onboarding to a new system and it’s of course more than helpful to know your way around in case you perhaps have to check something after hours.

However, say for example you’re a small business owner and you get stranded with limited internet access on the afternoon payroll is due. As long as you have the hours and the rates of pay, you can contact your Payroll provider even by phone and they can run that payroll for you so your people are paid correctly and on time.

Still have questions?

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