Frequently Asked Questions

We like to be transparent with our clients from the start of our partnership, so we've compiled a list of questions that you may have thought of (and some you may not) that we get asked most frequently.

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Customer Service – A Eulogy

Customer service as we know it died on October 23 2022. It died when an airline chose to wheel out a ‘happy cart’ filled with chocolate and water to appease customers who were just trying to get home and had been delayed already by 3 hours. No real people with explanations…

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The little things really do make a big difference

A few weeks ago I was trying to deliver a nice amenity to my wife who was at a Conference in Atlanta.  The hotel was a high end chain, so I expected the service to match.   The order was simple. Iced coffee, cookies and a note, delivered the evening she checked…

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Authenticity is the new superpower

Author Brene Brown once stated:  “Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.” As employees seek for greater work satisfaction and home/work…

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Authenticity is the new superpower

Author Brene Brown once stated:  “Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.” As employees seek for greater work satisfaction and home/work…

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Why the humble grocery cart teaches us all a lesson

How many time do we see a shopping cart making a break for freedom?. Often it’s there because its previous owner chose not to return it to its corral. The humble shopping cart presents itself as a great example of whether someone will do what is right, without being forced in…

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Why employee self-service is a Win/Win for all.

Imagine a scenario where your employee is requiring a copy of their pay stub after hours. They’re at a car dealership and are looking to take out a loan and forgot to get a copy from HR before they left. Wouldn’t it be nice if they could just open their app…

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Traditions… It’s what keeps our holidays (and memories) alive and one of the reasons we so look forward to them.  Regardless of how tough a year it may have been, when you have family traditions set in stone,  you always have something great to look forward to.  Whether it’s baking cookies…

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Find Significance

After the excellent feedback we received on our client surveys (Thank-you!) I thought it appropriate to republish my article that first appeared in our newsletter in 2015. We are so thankful to play such a significant role in the business lives of our owners, HR and payroll contacts within each Company…

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(Founding) Fatherly Advice

Every July 4th, we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence by a group of men who truly went ‘all in’ in gambling their future and the future of its people by breaking away from one of the most powerful Countries in the world in the hopes of a better…

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Caring starts from within

Here’s the scenario: You have a burning issue you need to resolve so you pick up the phone and make a call. You get voicemail and leave a message to call back as soon as possible. You then send an email just in case.  Then you wait. And you wait. And…

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

March 17th -It’s a time to celebrate being Irish even if you’re not, in the hopes that you will be able to gain a little ‘luck of the Irish’ or ‘rub of the green’. After the year we’ve all had, I’m sure we would welcome some good fortune;  however, if we…

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Life Lessons from Peter Pan

Within children’s literature there is a much loved character who could teach us a lot about how to cope in these trying times, and that would be Peter Pan. Written by Scottish playwright, JM Barrie, it tells the story of a free-spirited and mischievous young boy who can fly, never grows up…

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Happy New Year from APlus Payroll!

Happy New Year! – How about a boring and uneventful one? A strange request, I know, but after the tumultuous year we have just had, wouldn’t a normal one sound good just about now?   Those simple mundane tasks of grabbing lunch with a friend, going to a sports event, or…

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What Are We Thankful For In 2020?

As Thanksgiving rolls around we may be forgiven for asking “What are we to be thankful for in 2020”? It’s been a horrendous year due to the worldwide spread of COVID-19, causing mass disruption both in our personal and professional lives. Many people have lost loved ones they may not have…

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Barnstorming With Our New Team

Nothing like spending a Friday afternoon with a little sales team bonding and our first ‘Barnstorming’ meeting which was themed “Why”? It was also nice to welcome our newest team member, Shannon, who will be opening up our first office in Dallas, Texas! Shannon come from the hotel world so making…

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Let Us Be YOUR Tour Guide

They say every journey begins with a single step and whether you’re an infant trying to walk or a budding entrepreneur venturing out on your own for the first time, its always important to know there is someone there to catch you if you fall. In Parenthood, nothing encapsulates this moment…

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Paying It Forward

There’s been a groundswell of ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ in recent years, whether it be picking up a cup of coffee for the person in line behind you or hiding money in places that you know will be found, it’s everywhere. The recipients of such gifts are so delighted that they feel…

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Changing Your Direction

Jimmy Dean once said: “I can’t change the direction of the winds, but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination”. In sea-faring terms this would be known as ‘tacking’ where you zig-zag into the wind in order to get to your chosen place.  In sailing, to get to where…

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Celebrating 4th of July in Missouri

America will celebrate her 244th birthday tomorrow.  And more than likely, you have already started making plans for this great holiday. July 4th Fireworks Events In Southwest Missouri Unfortunately, many fireworks events near our home-base of Springfield, Missouri have been cancelled, but there are still a number of great fireworks displays…

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Lessons from the Greatest Generation

Having paid our respects this past memorial day we felt it appropriate to reflect on the the ‘life lessons’ of a generation that we are losing every day. Known as the ‘greatest generation’ these folks grew up in the depression and many served not only in WWII, but some in Korea…

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We are with you!

Update: Since we wrote this post, we’ve compiled a COVID-19 Resources Page, to help you understand all the state and federal legislation around COVID-19. It is hard to fathom that only four weeks ago what was top of most of our minds was a football game.  How quickly the world has turned.…

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Lessons from a new spring

In this day and age of technology it seems we are connected 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The lines between our personal and professional time seemed blurred and the quest to find a perfect ‘work-life’ balance consumes many. Unfortunately, it is not a realistic goal because it…

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Grow Where You’re Planted

The working world is filled with people who work so  hard to find a job, yet once they get thrown their first roadblock or difficulty in that position are already casting their eyes to greener pastures, instead of working through the challenge and looking for a solution. In professional sports, it…

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Achieving Balance

If any of us have had a spill while biking, you’ll know that it literally stops you in your tracks. You lie there for a moment contemplating life, then start taking an inventory of what hurts and what doesn’t. The important thing however, is to get back on as soon as…

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Still have questions?
Schedule an informal chat with a real member of our team about how APlus Payroll can help your business.

When you enter your information below, here’s what you can expect:

  1. You'll receive ONE phone call and ONE confirmation email within ONE business day. We’ll ask you about your business and how you currently do things, what you like about what you're doing now, and what you’d like to do better. If we think we can help, we’ll suggest scheduling a short demonstration.
  2. We'll then schedule a live demo with a member of our Customer Support team who will show you how they make our platform successful for specific businesses like yours.
  3. You’ll then receive a detailed proposal customized for your business with just what you need NOW.
  4. You’ll let us know when you’d like to start or, if it’s not for you right now, you'll be kind enough to tell us.

Meet Payroll Paul

Payroll Paul first joined APlus Payroll in 2008. He specializes in helping build the customer service, marketing, and culture within the company; relying on his 40+ years of 'customer delight' experiences across six countries. 


Paul Devlin